Data collection & curation

To collect amyloid-related databases, we searched PubMed, Google and Google Scholar databases using queries such as “amyloid database”, “IDP database”, “prion database, etc.

We manually curated all information for databases featured in a Amyloid-related database list tab. To do that we carefully analysed publications and/or websites describing given database looking for the following information:

  • link to the web server (integrated into Database name column),
  • what is their focus, amyloids, prions, IDPs, interactions (Focus column)
  • what kind of data do they store, experimental, predictions or both (Type of data column)
  • do they store only amyloids (Only amyloids column)
  • do they include experimental conditions (Includes experimental conditions column)
  • usability of data creating generalized models (Usability column),
  • what kind of structural information is gathered (*Includes structural information** column),
  • do they highlight proteins APRs (Identifies APRs column),
  • current status of database (Current status),
  • date of last update or publication date (Published or last update column),
  • external sources of proteins/peptides in database (we didn’t mention own discoveries) and links to and other sources that are integrated into the database (Data sources and links to other db column),
  • link to publication (DOI column)

Then, we checked if the links to the databases provided in the articles function correctly. Otherwise, we tried to find them either through a search engine or by contacting the database developers.

The Updates tab indicates latest changes in the list.


12/09/2024 - soon we will deploy AmyLoad on new server

08/08/2024 - minor name corrections made | No status changes in inactive amyloid databases | Server instability reported for AmyLoad

17/07/2024 - first release

About and citation

This website accompanies our publication:

This project was supported by the National Science Centre Poland, SONATA 19 grant [2023/51/D/NZ7/02847].

National Science Centre Poland

Open access was funded by Medical University of Białystok, [B.SUB.24.592].

National Science Centre Poland